Basement: About Our Foundations

About LifeHouse | Core Beliefs | Mission and Vision

Mission and Vision Statement

When seeking to describe the mission and vision of our church, we've narrowed our distinctives to this acronym:

L- Love God more than anyone or anything else.
I- Integrate God's Word into every aspect of our life and thinking.
F- Fellowship with God's people all the time, not just on Sundays.
E- Evangelize the world starting with Decorah.

We very committed to applying the Scriptures to every area of our lives and reaching out to the lost and hurting with the gospel of Jesus Christ. That would be us.

Official Launch

Easter Sunday,
April 4, 2010

We are meeting informally before then! Find out more →


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Tim Borseth
Email Tim
Phone: 515-291-3296

Bob Hibbing
Email Bob
Phone: 515-291-1876